Wedding Music Packages

Muzica De Nunta

Genuine Romanian Taraf and Cover Band

Amadeo Wedding Orchestra offers you 6 packages of wedding music which covers different needs. Regardless of the music package that you choose, Amadeo Wedding Orchestra guarantees you an extraordinary musical performace that will give beauty and uniqueness to your event. In the Weeding Music section you will find details of all music packages that Amadeo Weeding Orchestra offers to you.

Corporate Events

Evenimente Corporate

Amadeo Quartet

The good music is the key for an event which will remain long time in the memory of those who take part in. Amadeo Quartet performs at dinners, charity balls, banquets, thematic parties, varnishing days, receptions, aniversaries and other events. The professionalism and the excellence of the artists composing Amadeo Quartet will hallmark the event you organize.


Galerie Foto Formatie Muzica Nunta

Amadeo Orchestra performed in famous locations in Romania and abroad

Through time, Amadeo Orchestra successfully performed in prestigious locations across the country. The events entertained by Amadeo Orchestra turned into a real spectacle. Our Orchestra manage "to float" all the places with harmonious sounds that have brought happiness and joy. Amadeo Orchestra performed in Bucharest,Constanta,Pitesti,Craiova,Galati,Ramnicu Valcea,Focsani and others...


The music is the simplest way to transmit intense emotions, strong feelings and happiness. Through time, Amadeo Wedding Orchestra created a repertory rich in famous songs, sang by soloists and well-known operas, tango and valse, played with excellence by Amadeo Quartet.Thanks to its experience and profesionnalism, Amadeo Wedding Band will offer adistinctive appearance. Our repertory includes French music, German music, Romanian pop and rock music, Greek music, cover songs, Romanian folk music and music performed by Amadeo Quartet. In the Repertory section you have some examples of music played by Amadeo Orchestra.


"Multumesc pentru spectacolul de exceptie. Am un singur regret si anume ca nunta nu a tinut 3 zile si 3 nopti. La incheierea contractului am spus ca daca ceva nu iese bine repetam nunta pana cand o sa fie perfect, acum as vrea sa o repet tocmai pentru ca TOTUL A FOST MAI MULT DECAT PERFECT!"

Cristina si Valentin - Miri
15 octombrie 2011 - Militari Balroom Residence Bucuresti

"Pot spune ca Orchestra Amadeo a contribuit decisiv in transformarea nuntii noastre intr-un eveniment perfect. Muzica lor a fost extrem de bine aleasa si interpretata extraordinar de membrii orchestrei. Cei de la Amadeo au reusit sa creeze o atmosfera excelenta si cel mai important, sa o si intretina pe parcursul intregului eveniment. Am fost foarte impresionati de entuziasmul, fluiditatea si naturaletea de care au dat dovada in toate momentele petrecerii. Sunt un grup cu adevarat profesionist si ii recomandam cu cea mai mare caldura. Multumim si spor la treaba!"

Elena si Mihai Adamescu, miri
4 iunie 2011, Hotel Mamaia - Mamaia Constanta

Amadeo Quartet and Amadeo Orchestra

Amadeo Cvartet si Orchestra Amadeo

Genuine Romanian Taraf and Cover Band

Amadeo Orchestra consists of profesional artists, music graduates, soloists instrumentalists of high cultural institutions in Constanta and Bucharest. Consisting of a great variety of instruments, specific to a Classic Quartet (violin, flute, viola, cello) or to a Romanian folklore band (dulcimer, contrabass, drum, harmonica, saxophone, clarinet, violin, pan-pipe, bagpipe, fistula), Amadeo Orchestra performs in an exceptional way well-known songs, from Classic music and Cafe-Concert to Latino, Dance, Pop, Jazz, Blues, Evergreen and Romanian folk music.

Through time, Amadeo Orchestra performed at public and private events (weddings, christenings, aniversaries, corporate parties: receptions, dinners, cocktails, conferences, openings, symposiums, festivals) in the country and abroad. The performance of the Amadeo Orchestra was characterized with superlatives, our band receiving unanimous consideration.

Amadeo Orchestra is a excellent combination among classic music, folk music and modern rythmes, a mixture that is perfect for a corporate party or a distinguished and elegant wedding. In order to comply with all your wishes, Amadeo Orchestra collaborates with valuable artists from all musical branches. Besides music, we can "spice up" the atmosphere with traditional Romanian dances or modern dances. Your party will be turned into a great spectacle, full of effervecence and energy, which will astound all your guests.

Amadeo Orchestra is that "something" you need in order to change an ordinary party into a real joy, because, as we all know, good music induces wellness and appeals good memories.

Wedding Music Band Constanta - Bucharest wedding music band

Audio Equipment brands used:

Brand equipment used  Wedding Music Band

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